Acerca de

Liability Waiver

Please Read Carefuly
Dreamers Wish Foundation acts only as an agent for the accommodation providers,
organizations, and transportation companies that we use abroad. We do not accept
responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or other irregularities in connection with any
transportation, accommodation, or other service provided. Our refund policy states that clients
may not cancel trips but may transfer for 12 months. Other expenses incurred by a volunteer
such as flight and insurance are not covered by Dreamers Wish Foundation in the event of a
program cancellation. As such, volunteers are strongly encouraged to purchase trip cancellation
insurance to cover these additional expenses. Special requests and dietary restrictions will be
accommodated where possible but cannot be guaranteed.
Services and refunds
For the Independent Volunteer Program, Dreamers Wish Foundation agrees to provide the
following services:
Airport reception on arrival Transfer to Dreamers Wish Foundation. Orientation & language
training (upon request). Accommodation during orientation and training and during volunteer
placement will be provided. Unless an option is selected in the extra package, all volunteers will be
provided with breakfast but not lunch and dinner. Lunch and dinner meal plans may be
purchased at checkout. Additional services provided will be listed at checkout in the itinerary
included at booking.
Additional language training if selected for Group Programs, Dreamers Wish Foundation agrees
to provide the services listed as included for the program. Dreamers Wish Foundation staff are
available to work with volunteers and organizations to help ensure an effective placement
experience. However, in the event that a placement is not meeting the expectations of a
volunteer, the volunteer must bring this forward with a Dreamers Wish Foundation staff and
request a change of placement. Refunds will only be issued in cases where Dreamers Wish
Foundation failed to deliver any of the aforementioned services. As Dreamers Wish Foundation
often must pay for services in advance for volunteers, no refunds will be issued for a decreased
program duration once a volunteer has arrived overseas. If a volunteer decides to leave after
arriving for any reason such as dismissal due to bad conduct, or personal reasons, there will no
refunds or transfers. However, transfers will be allowed for cancellations due to acts of god or
sickness with a verified doctor’s note.
Code of Conduct
You are expected to act in accordance with all local laws while you are
participating in a program. You should be aware that in many countries where you may work,
penalties for crimes such as possession and/or trafficking of contraband substances are very
severe and range from long-term imprisonment to death. Failure to act in accordance with these
local laws will be considered a breach of this contract and will result in your immediate dismissal
from the program. If such a case were to arise, we accept no liability or responsibility for you,
financial or otherwise. As a volunteer, you may be working closely with members of the
community that you have come to assist. You are expected to respect and abide by the local
cultural customs as much as possible. While we recognize your right to have an opinion that
differs from the communities that you will be working with, we request that you not attempt to
force your opinion on the community and its members. Aggressive, belligerent assertion of your
opinion on matters of religion or cultural norms will not be tolerated and will constitute a breach
of this contract. In such a case, you may be removed from the program. If such a case were to
arise, Dreamers Wish Foundation accepts no liability or responsibility for you from that point on,
financial or otherwise. While consumption of alcohol or other legal inebriates is permitted
(provided that consumption of these substances is in accordance with all local laws), we require
that this is kept within reasonable limits. If you are jeopardizing your safety or the safety of
others, or your actions are not in accordance with locally acceptable behavior, you may be
requested to leave your program. If such a case were to arise, Dreamers Wish Foundation
accepts no liability or responsibility for you from that point on, financial or otherwise.
Receiving Payment for Volunteering
Some organizations may offer you an allowance or
payment in exchange for your volunteer work. This is entirely at their discretion and is beyond
our control. As a participant in our placement program, you agree to never request any
remuneration, financial or otherwise, in exchange for your volunteer work. Should such a
payment be offered to you and you choose to accept this payment, you agree to pay all
applicable taxes, act in accordance with all local laws governing such activities and ensure that
you are not acting in violation of the terms of your visa. Should you breach the terms of your
visa by working for pay, you risk immediate removal from your placement, deportation from the
country, fines and/or imprisonment. Therefore, we strongly recommend against receiving
payment for the work that you do abroad and if you choose to disregard this warning, you do so
entirely at your own risk.
Visas and Travel Documentation - (Please read carefully)
The type of visa we ask volunteers to apply for is a tourist Visa. These costs have varied widely
over the last several years but can range from 50 USD for a single entry and 100 USD for multiple
5-year entry. We can help with your visa application. Your pre-departure information will provide
details about how these visas are acquired and their current costs. However, these costs are not
within our control and can change without notice. As such, we cannot guarantee that the visa
fees will not change from what is listed in our materials. The cost of these visas is not included
in our program fees and is the responsibility of the volunteer. The other countries in which we
will be working do not have a visa specifically designed for short to mid-term volunteers.
Therefore, most of our volunteers come on a tourist permit or visa. The details regarding the
process to acquire these permits or visas and their associated costs will be outlined in our
pre-departure materials but can change over time without notice. Volunteers are also
responsible for ensuring that they have a valid passport that will not expire for at least 6 months
after their scheduled return from their host country. Please note that volunteers will need to have
this passport in order to receive their visa and it can take several months to apply for these
documents, so your prompt attention to these documents is essential.
Payments and Cancellation
To register for a program, you must submit your non-refundable registration fee of USD 250.00.
If we cancel the program, we will refund this deposit. However, if you remove yourself from the
program for any reason, this deposit is non-refundable. Your ticket will be eligible for transfers
within the 12-month period after purchase. Final payment is due 60 days prior to the scheduled
start date for your program. While we will do our utmost to minimize any penalties charged,
there are some irrecoverable costs associated with your program. As a guideline, the following
penalties will be considered for the costs incurred with cancellation, late payment or program
alterations: More than 60 days 30 to 60 days Less than 30 days Registration Fee 100%
Transferable Non-refundable. No Transfer Fee. Non-refundable Non-refundable Final Payment
100% Transferable 100% Non-Refundable 0% Transferable 0% Refundable Late Booking Fees
No Fee $50.00 $75.00 Late Change Fees No Fee $50.00 $75.00 Program fees paid less than
60 days prior to arrival are subject to a Late Booking Fee of 50 USD. Program fees paid less
than 30 days prior to arrival are subject to a Late Booking Fee of 75 USD. Changes to a
program made less than 60 days prior to arrival are subject to a Late Change Fee of 50 USD.
Changes made to a program less than 30 days prior to arrival are subject to a Late Change Fee
of 75 USD. All prices are listed in US dollars (USD) unless otherwise noted.
Vaccinations, Inoculations, and Medical Advice
It is your responsibility to seek medical
advice regarding the vaccinations and inoculations that are appropriate for a visitor to your host
country. While we include a link recommended by the CDC for covid testing and yellow fever
shots at your local Health Clinic, you must recognize that we are not medical experts and in no
way should this list be viewed as qualified medical advice. It is only included to provide you with
a guideline of what to expect when you do meet with a medical professional prior to your
departure. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you have met with a medical professional
regarding your personal fitness and that they have indicated that you are in appropriate physical
condition to take part in your program. You are also responsible for ensuring that you do not
take part in any activities that would jeopardize your health and safety and if at any point on
your program you feel that an activity is putting you at risk, you must discontinue your
participation in those activities immediately. Should you choose to participate in an activity that
you feel is unsafe or in any way jeopardizes your personal well-being, you are doing so
completely of your own choosing and against our recommendations.
Alterations to Program Content, Location, Duration or Activity
Many of our programs take place in countries and regions where external influences beyond
our control may force us to alter the content, location, duration, and/or activities of your program.
Some of the factors that may contribute to these changes include but are not limited to the
following: war or other military conflict, acts of terrorism or threats of such acts, epidemics, severe weather, fire, riots, natural disasters, and any other circumstance that threatens the safety and well-being of you or other
participants. While we will do our best to make alternative arrangements for you if such a case
were to arise, we cannot guarantee that another placement will be available for you. Given that
exposure to these risks is a part of traveling and volunteering abroad, we cannot offer refunds or
be held responsible for any costs that you might incur where such a situation to arise. Dreamers
Wish Foundation also reserves the right to change accommodation providers without notice
should it be required. As such, while uncommon, volunteers may need to move from one
accommodation provider to another at some point during their program. Periodically, an
organization may choose to shorten a volunteer placement or to alter the tasks that they require
of a volunteer. These actions are beyond the control of Dreamers Wish Foundation and, in such
cases, Dreamers Wish Foundation will work with the volunteer to find a suitable alternative
placement. As these actions are beyond the control of Dreamers Wish Foundation, no refunds
will be issued for changes to the content.
Personal Information
We will not share your personal information with any third parties. However, there may be
occasions where we need to transfer this, or other personal information provided to us by you or
in your host country. In such cases, we cannot guarantee the security of this information. For
example, for hotel bookings, airfare booking, lodging etc. Your selection of the 'I Accept These
Terms & Conditions' button below serves as your explicit consent for us to transfer your
personal information to any organization that we decide should view it.
Consent to use Photographs and Video
On your program, any photographs and video taken of you by us are to be considered our
property to be used in any way that we choose. This includes being published in our brochure,
on our website, on posters, in commercials or in any other medium that we choose. We can use
these photos and videos of you with or without a reference to you noted beside the photo as we
choose. The same applies to any photos or videos of you submitted by you or another volunteer
to Dreamers Wish Foundation. Should we choose to use a photo of you in any of the
above-noted ways, you are not entitled to compensation of any type, financial or other.
Termination of Agreement We retain the unilateral right to terminate this agreement in any of
the following situations:
1. We, or the organization you are working with, find that you are not fulfilling your obligations.
2. Your behavior is not in accordance with our code of conduct.
3.You refuse to follow the reasonable requests of your program coordinator or in-country
4. You are discovered to have made a false statement or omitted a material fact in any
correspondence with us.
5. You are convicted of any criminal offence while on your program, or you are witnessed by our
staff or representatives to have taken part in an illegal activity.
6. If we terminate this agreement for any of the reasons noted above, you are expected to
make your own arrangements for your return home or for the duration of your stay in the host
country. We are in no way responsible for providing you with assistance in these matters
financially or otherwise.
Release and Assumption of Risk By selecting the 'I Accept These Terms & Conditions' button
below, you are indicating that you accept these terms and conditions, and you are confirming
that you have made yourself fully aware of all risks, including those that may not have been
covered in this contract, associated with your participation in a Dreamers Wish Foundation
program. You agree to assume complete responsibility for these risks, recognizing that some of
these may lead to property damage and loss, bodily injury, sickness, disease, mental trauma
and death. You assume complete responsibility for these risks and for the injuries that may
occur as a result of these risks even if injuries occur in a manner that is not foreseeable at this
time. You realize that by voluntarily assuming these risks, you will be solely responsible for any
loss or damage that you sustain, including personal injuries to you, damage to your property, or
damages arising out of death. You are aware of the risks inherent in observing and/or
participating in the activities offered in this program. On behalf of yourself, your family, executor,
heirs and administrators, you willingly and knowingly ASSUME COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY
for all risk of physical injury in any way related to your activities, and you hereby release
Dreamers Wish Foundation its partners, employees, agents, representatives, and program
administrators from any and all liability arising from your involvement in this program.
This agreement and the rights and obligations of all parties are governed by the laws of the
State of Utah without regard to any conflict of law principles. Any dispute regarding the
enforcement or interpretation of this contract shall be brought forth in
Utah Courts. In the event that any provision of this contract or the application thereof to any
party or circumstance be finally determined by the court to be invalid or unenforceable, the
remainder of the contract and the application thereof shall not be affected. We may assign this
contract or any of its rights or delegate our obligations to any third party without your express
written or verbal consent. You may not assign this contract or any of its rights or delegate its
obligations without our prior written consent. This contract and the registration form constitute
the entire agreement between us and you with respect to your participation in a Dreamers Wish
Foundation program. These supersede all inquiries, proposals, agreements, negotiations, and
commitments whether written or oral prior to the effective date. Any future alterations to this
agreement can only be made in writing and must be signed by both parties. By selecting the "I
Accept These Terms & Conditions" button below, you indicate the following: 1. You have read
and fully understood this contract. You intend that this contract be legally binding and
enforceable against you and your family, estate, heirs, and legal representatives. 2. 3. You
intend that this contract benefit us. You confirm that you are eighteen (18) years old, fully
competent, and entering this contract voluntarily.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge all information that I have provided in
my online application and via any other means is true and accurate. By selecting the "I Accept
These Terms & Conditions" button below, I hereby confirm that I have read and completely
understood the terms and conditions, cancellation fees, likely conditions at my placement and
all inclusions and exclusions for my particular placement as indicated on the Dreamers Wish
Foundation website and, in these terms, and conditions. I recognize and understand that
selecting the "I Accept These Terms & Conditions" button below is my legally binding agreement
to the above-noted terms and conditions. By continuing with this application form, I willingly and
knowingly waive my right to recover compensation through the courts or otherwise.
WARNING: This agreement is legally binding. By continuing with your application you are
accepting these terms and conditions and you waive your right to recover compensation through
the courts or otherwise, for any personal injury, mental trauma, damage to your property, or for
your death, being caused by the above-noted risks or other risks not noted herein, even in
the case that it is determined that your injuries were incurred or worsened as a result of negligence
on our part.