Help Provide Medical support
Our public health programs often attract skilled volunteers, but rest assured, although previous experience is advantageous, it is not necessary. Our public health programs are open to all people, from career breakers to students on gap years. An added bonus for students. You may be able to qualify for college credits through your university. Ask your advisor.
We give care packages to young girls in need of sanitary products including general hygiene products for all.
We also donate medical supplies to children who cannot afford basic medicine in order to remain healthy to be able to attend school
TEACH children hygiene practices
Volunteers will be able to teach curated lesson plans to children 6-18 years age range. Through setting up clinics, providing lessons on healthy hygiene and sanitation practices, educating local communities, and providing capacity, we can make long-term positive impacts on the health of disadvantaged communities.
In low-income areas, such as the ones our projects are active in, communities are exposed to greater environmental health risks and thus face a higher risk of illness.
Free T-shirts and swags
Invitation to monthly volunteer luncheons and special group meetups
Invitation to speaking events, both locally and international
Tax write-offs if not reimbursed
Leadership certificate
Career development
Travel with volunteer groups in a cheerful and fun environment.
Ownership of your group process if proven successful
Make an impact in the world
Become a better person

Let's Work Together
Watch the video about how our volunteers supported our success in Ghana