We’d like to share some of our latest DWF milestones with you as we create an exciting community of diversity, education and health. For us, it’s all about working together to support children and youth education in Utah and abroad. We are a global comprehensive education-centered movement that focuses on childhood and adolescent enrichment STEAM education for low-income, refugee, and developing communities.
Let us know if you'd like to get involved!
There's still plenty to do and we would love to have you on board.
• We started off the summer participating in the first ever International Market at the Utah State Fairpark. We were able to introduce ourselves, answer questions, and tell everyone about our local and global efforts to support children and youth education.
• Next, we had our first tour with the University Neighborhood Partners program at the University of Utah. We love serving our community and participating in making an impact. This connection brings the University and the West Side people and resources together in reciprocal learning, action and benefit.
• We also had a great turnout at our School Supply Drive, where we started to gather donations of backpacks and school supplies for 56 refugee children and youth in Davis County. We're still receiving donations every Thurday at DuVin Pintor Art Gallery at 8pm, and Tushar Brazilian restaurant on Friday nights.
• More recently, we were able to read with people and help them learn how to speak English in a Convestation Lab at Horizonte Instruction and Training Center. We helped them with pronunciation and the use of verbs in sentences. At the end, we wrote full sentences and had conversations using as many verbs as we could from the ones we had learned.
• Our backpacks and 500 library books project has been fully funded through generous donations.
• We have been teaching dance lessons as part of our awareness campaign to self-fund our playground project in Ghana.
• We have also partnered with IRC to provide local education resource assistance to migrant families living in Utah.
• We've partnered with EM Studio to provide dance education to kids and youth in Ogden
• DuVin Pintor art gallery, Kerns Library, and 365 Poetry will teach poetry to youth from low-income, refugee, and underserved communities in Utah.
• We've grown our board with 1 additional board director from Utah State University and 2 local community leaders.
• We had a great turn out with our Refugee Back to School Drive in partnership with the International Rescue Committee. We raised funds and collected backpacks and school supplies for 56 identified refugee families in Davis County.